Guns For Everyone

Free CCW Classes

Guns For Everyone is the official home of the Free Concealed Carry Class.

Defensive Shooting

World Class Firearms Training. We have been a leader in Defensive Shooting training since 2010.

En Español

Obten tu permiso para portar arma oculta. Capacitacion en auto-defensa con arma de fuego.


Guns For Everyone hosts a variety of events throught the nation. Join us in the fun!


Learn about Guns For Everyone National, our national non-profit dedicated to training and competitions.

Become an Instructor

Become a part of the GFE team. Work directly with us, or as part of our network.

About GFE

Guns For Everyone was established in 2010 by Isaac Chase and Edgar Antillon. We have proudly instructed over 100k students in Colorado alone. We’re proud to be home of the FREE Concealed Carry Classes in Colorado.

Only one class is needed to obtain your permit. Have a class recommended to you, see all available classes, or scroll down to see categories. All of the classes taught by GFE will qualify you to obtain your Concealed Handgun Permit.

Edgar Antillon in Mexico teaching Guns For Everyone


8120 Sheridan Blvd C200,
Arvada, CO 80003



(720) 248-8090

Preparing for Self-Defense

Guns For Everyone offers three different concealed handgun permit classes. We offer a Fundamentals Class, geared for those new to firearms. We have a Tactics class, for those who want to learn about the neuroscince during a fight, and how to set yourself up for success in training. We also have a law focused class.