Concealed Carry Update


New Law Signed By Polis. What Does That Mean?

August 5th Update: Shit is even more confusing now. Only some sheriffs are starting to require instructors to adhere to the new training requirements on 8/7/2024. Some sheriffs are not starting the new requirements until July of 2025. Because of how difficult it is to keep up with 64 different interpretations of a bad law, it’s up to you to know if your sheriff requires the new training or not.

On June 4th, 2024 Governor Jared Polis signed HB24-1174 into law. This law changes the training requirements for those who are seeking to obtain or renew a concealed handgun permit (CCW) in Colorado. Unless something miraculous happens, this goes into effect August 7th, 2024; with some less intrusive parts of the bill going into effect July 1st, 2025. Read the bill here: Final Draft

What does that mean for me as a student?

  1. New applicants will have to complete an 8 hour course. Pass a written test (80%). Pass a live fire test (50 rounds. 70%).  
  2. Renewals will now have to complete a 2 hour refresher course with the same testing requirements. Renewals are still every 5 years. If you already have a permit, you will follow the renewal requirements.
  3. Certificates are no longer valid for 10 years. Once you complete a new applicant course (Concealed Handgun Training Class as the government officially calls it), you will have one year to apply for your permit.
  4. If you took the class before August 7th, your certificate is only valid until July 2025.
  5. The new applicant course can be split up into multiple days.
  6. We are teaming up with local ranges to ensure the range portion is able to be completed as part of our class.
  7. For as long as possible, our CCW classes will be free.
  8. There is not grandfather clause. Once the law comes into effect, you will be subject to those changes. Read the part of the certificate if you are wondering if you have to take another class after the law changes.
  9. For you as the student, it is important to understand, that government mandated classes are not the same as real self-defense training. Passing arbitrary and objective tests have been proven, by many education experts, to be more detrimental than beneficial. We will always provide you with factual information that is based on science and empirical evidence, but we encourage you to attend our real training that is not bastardized by government.